What to Expect
If you've never attended a church service at Channing before, you may be wondering what to expect.
Most Sundays, services take place in our sanctuary. Some days, we may hold service outside, in Howland Hall, or in the fireplace room (sometimes with a cozy fire lit.) Many Sundays we follow a typical Protestant style of worship. Other times it may be an Earth-centered service. Some days we will do a community service activity like cleaning up litter in town. Sometimes we sing hymns and hear a sermon; other days we work on a group art project and have a discussion. We meditate, we share our joys and concerns, we explore the various beliefs we each have in different ways, but we do it together. For us, that's the important part.
One Sunday a month, service is lead by Rev. Judy, our Affiliated Minister. The other Sundays, services are lead guest ministers, members of our congregation, or representatives from local organizations whose missions are aligned with our own. Below is a video from on of our services last year.