About Us
Celebrating 130 Years of Service!
Believing they were “endowed with the liberty to decide for themselves their attitude toward God, the Bible, and to Truth Known and to be Known” our founders submitted a formal petition to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to form a Unitarian Society in Rockland in November of 1882. In January of 1884, the request was granted and Channing Church was dedicated in 1889.
Today, symbols from many of the world’s religious traditions are displayed in our sanctuary. Among us you will find Humanist, Theist, Atheist, Pantheist, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Pagan, Mystic, and Transcendentalist perspectives on theology. Steeped in our Unitarian heritage of Freedom, Reason, and Tolerance and grounded in the Universalist spirit of Love, we support one another’s religious questioning/questing as we live out our lives as bankers, carpenters, homemakers, retirees, students, and teachers. We are newborns, and great grandparents and everything in between. We hope you will join us!